The important Advantages of using steel structures for building are explained
Steel was used extensively for the construction of large structures such as bridges, residential buildings, industrial buildings etc..
Steel construction can be broadly categorized into three classes. They're bolted structure, traditional steel fabrication and steel construction construction.

Some of the advantages of steel structures are detailed below..
• Steel is a really durable metal and it can withstand large outside pressure. They can resist earthquakes. As concrete is brittle it is not a fantastic resistant such as steel.
• Steel has very good load carrying capability whereas concrete has less load carrying capability when compared to steel.
• Steel is a tensile material. It's a very high ratio of strength to weight. Steel structures are 60% less heavy than concrete constructions.
• No base is necessary for building steel structures. As concrete constructions are thick, they require strong foundation.
• They are simple to erect and therefore the construction procedure takes lesser time than concrete since they are made in prefab workshops. So quicker completion of projects is just another benefits of steel structures.
• It has good scrap value. Additionally, this is a positive factor which produces steel structures attractive.

• they are quite easy to fabricate and can be mass produced in prefab workshops. They may be readily assembled and are extremely versatile. Steel structures can be easily modified based on the last minute changes.
• They can be constructed off-site by seasoned and professional steel fabricators. This can then be constructed on site.
• They are eco-friendly as steel is recyclable. This contributes to savings in cash through proper waste management.
• They're lighter in weight compared to concrete and therefore they're easily transportable. Construction of steel structures is a secure process since there are no health hazards in this structure.
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